Why you can trust God’s word

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Why you can trust God’s word

The Creation Account

In this clip from well-known evangelist Ray Comfort’s new movie, “The Atheist Delusion”, Mr. Comfort talks to various atheists in an attempt to convince them that their atheistic worldview has some major obstacles.

What You’ve Been Taught

Frog in Boiling Water

We often take for granted some of the most amazing creations in this world. The human eye, the brain, our ears, our sense of taste, short-term and long-term memory, music, love, the list goes on and on.

Origin of Life

How Life Began

In 1859 Darwin released his book “On the Origin of Species” in which he proposed the idea that all living things came from one simple life form long ago.  Darwin made the assumption that life may have begun in..

Evolution of Life

The Evidence for Evolution

I think we would all agree that pigs can’t fly. Not only has a pig never been observed flying, but physiological evidence proves that it can’t possibly happen. In the previous page we discussed the scientific law that..


The Truth about Fossil Evidence

By now you may be having a hard time understanding why so many people believe in evolution.  Next you might think, “Well, if evolution is really this impossible then what about all of the fossil evidence?”.

The Flood Of Noah

The Evidence Doesn’t Lie

There are many events documented in the Bible that are so miraculous they require great faith to believe.  The donkey that God made talk (Num 22:28), the great fish that swallowed Jonah (Jonah 1:17), Gideon’s…


Why is it Important?

In my experience presenting the previous pages of information to adult Christians, they nod their heads and mention to me how impossible evolution seems. However, I find there is a lot more resistance when discussing how and when the Earth was created.

Age of the Earth

Starting with the Bible

As we’ve discussed, the age of the earth is a central topic within the evolution/creation debate.  Here is a quick clip of Bill Nye and Ken Ham discussing age of the Earth as Bill Nye tours the Ark Encounter.


Dinosaurs and Kids

Maybe you had a dinosaur book like this one when you were a kid. And maybe as you got older, you read National Geographic which began to slowly convince you that dinosaurs evolved into birds

The Universe

Starting with a Bang

The idea of evolution is more than just an attempt to theorize how monkeys turned into man. Rather, it is an effort to explain how absolutely everything came into existence naturally…

The Denial

The Denial

The evidence for a Creator seems so obvious and clear.  So how is it possible that so many intelligent minds around the world deny what is so clear.  Paul says in Romans 1:20, “For since the….


In Summary

The timeline for the creation of the universe, the Earth and life is rejected by the scientific community because God is supernatural and cannot be observed, tested or repeated.

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